[furrow] 愁苦的样子。形容人忧愁苦恼
形容忧思重重,神色悲苦。《儒林外史》第四七回:“ 成老爹 气的愁眉苦脸,只得自己走出去回那几个乡里人去了。” 张天翼 《儿女们二》:“ 廉大爷 刚才那副愁眉苦脸一下子给扫得干干净,全身都来了劲儿。” 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记·主角五》:“ 霍大道 今晚上的情绪非常好,好像根本没注意 石敢 那愁眉苦脸的样子。”亦作“ 愁眉苦眼 ”。《儿女英雄传》第二五回:“只见那 张太太 愁眉苦眼的向他道:‘姑奶奶,你别闹了。’” 郁达夫 《出奔》一:“ 玉林 夫妇外面虽也在装作愁眉苦眼,不能终日的样子,但心里却在私私地打算。”
- 愁眉的解释 发愁时皱着的眉头愁眉不展详细解释.一种细而曲折的眉妆。 唐 白居易 《代书一百韵寄微之》:“铅粉凝春艳,金鈿耀水嬉。风流夸堕髻,时势鬭愁眉。”.发愁时皱着的眉头。 唐 白居易 《晚春沽酒》诗:“
- 苦脸的解释 犹愁容。愁苦的心情表现在脸上。 鲁迅 《故事新编·出关》:“大家显出苦脸来了,有些人还似乎手足失措。” 罗广斌 杨益言 《红岩》第一章:“那些招贴的后面,谁知道隐藏着多少垂死挣扎濒于破产的苦脸?”
愁眉苦脸 refers to a facial expression that depicts one's worry or unhappiness. Let me break it down for you:
- Meaning: It describes a person's face showing signs of distress, furrowed brows, and a gloomy expression.
- Radical and Strokes: 愁 consists of the radical 忄 (heart) and the character 九 (nine) with a total of 11 strokes. 眉 consists of 目 (eye) radical and 米 (rice) with a total of 9 strokes. 苦 consists of 艹 (grass) radical and 口 (mouth) with a total of 8 strokes. 脸 consists of ⺹ (meat) radical and 廿 (twenty) with a total of 14 strokes.
- Origin: This term originated from ancient Chinese culture and has been used for a long time to describe someone's unhappy facial expression.
- Traditional form: In traditional Chinese writing, 愁 is written as 憔, 苦 as 胡, and 脸 as 臉.
- Example Sentence: 他面带愁眉苦脸地走进房间。(He walked into the room with a worried and unhappy expression on his face.)
- Word Formation: Some related words include 愁苦 (suffering) and 脸色 (facial expression).
- Synonyms: 忧心忡忡 (anxious and worried), 郁郁寡欢 (melancholy), 凄凄惨惨 (miserable and desolate).
- Antonyms: 笑逐颜开 (laughing with joy), 欢颜若霜 (having a joyful face).
I hope this provides the information you were looking for!
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