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丑陋的外貌。 汉 王延寿 《王孙赋》:“有王孙之狡兽,形陋观而丑仪。”


  • 丑的解释 丑 (④⑤醜) ǒ 地支的第二位,属牛。 用于计时:丑时(凌晨一点至三点)。 传统戏剧角色名:丑角。丑旦。 相貌难看:丑陋。 可厌恶的,可耻的,不光荣的:丑化。丑恶。丑闻。丑态百出。跳梁小丑。 丑恶丑
  • 仪的解释 仪 (儀) í 人的外表或举动:仪态。仪表。威仪(使人敬畏的严肃容貌和举止)。 按程序进行的礼节:仪式。仪仗。司仪。 礼物:贺仪。谢仪。 供测量、绘图、实验用的器具:仪器。 法制,准则:仪刑。“设仪立


Sure! Here's a short article about the word "丑仪":


丑仪 (chǒu yí) is a Chinese word that has multiple meanings. Its main meaning refers to a ceremony or ritual performed during ancient times, often associated with exorcism or warding off evil spirits.

The character 丑 is composed of two parts: the radical 一 (yī) meaning "one" and 丑 (chǒu) which is the phonetic component. The character 丑 has a total of seven strokes.

The word 丑仪 has its origins in ancient Chinese culture. It can be traced back to traditional practices to dispel negative energies and bring about good fortune.

In Traditional Chinese characters, 丑 is written as 醜. This character contains the radical 酉 (yǒu) which means "wine" and the phonetic component 丑 (chǒu). The character has a total of 13 strokes.

In ancient times, the character 丑 had various forms of writing. One of the ancient forms is similar to the Traditional Chinese character, 醜.

Here is an example sentence using the word 丑仪: 这个丑仪是为了驱邪保平安。

Some related words that include the character 丑 are 丑化 (chǒu huà) meaning "uglification" or "to make ugly", and 丑陋 (chǒu lòu) meaning "ugly" or "hideous".

There are no commonly used antonyms for the word 丑仪.

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