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  • 池的解释 池 í 水塘,多指人工挖的:池子。水池。池鱼之殃(喻因牵连而受到的灾祸。亦称“池鱼之祸”)。 湖:池盐(从咸水湖采取的盐,成分和海盐相同)。 像水池的:浴池。花池。乐(?)池。舞池。 护城河:城池。金
  • 谈的解释 谈 (談) á 说,对话:谈天。谈心。谈论。谈话。谈判。谈吐。恳谈。洽谈。漫谈。谈笑风生。 言论,听说的话:笑谈。无稽之谈。传为美谈。 姓。 道讲说叙 笔画数:; 部首:讠; 笔顺编号:


池北偶谈:What does this term mean, its radical and stroke count, origin, traditional form, example sentences, word formations, synonyms, antonyms, etc. 池北偶谈 (Chí běi ǒu tán) is a term in Chinese literature that means "casual conversation in the northern garden." It refers to informal discussions or chats that take place in a garden located in the northern part of China. 拆分部首和笔画 (Radical and Stroke count): - 池 (chí) - radical: 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water," stroke count: 4 - 北 (běi) - radical: 匕 (bǐ) meaning "ladle," stroke count: 5 - 偶 (ǒu) - radical: 亻 (rén) meaning "person," stroke count: 11 - 谈 (tán) - radical: 讠 (yán) meaning "speech," stroke count: 10 来源 (Origin): The term "池北偶谈" originated from the ancient Chinese literary work "红楼梦" (Hónglóu Mèng, "Dream of the Red Chamber"). It was used to describe conversations that took place between characters in a garden situated in the northern region. 繁体 (Traditional Form): The traditional form of "池北偶谈" would be written as "池北偶談" in traditional Chinese characters. 古时候汉字写法 (Ancient Chinese Character Writing): In ancient times, the characters 池北偶谈 were written as 池北偶談 in the traditional Chinese writing style. 例句 (Example Sentences): 1. 我们在池北偶谈中,交流了许多有趣的观点。(In our casual conversation in the northern garden, we exchanged many interesting perspectives.) 2. 池北偶谈常常是我放松心情的好时光。(Casual discussions in the northern garden are often a good time for me to relax.) 组词 (Word Formations): - 池塘 (chítáng) - pond - 北方 (běifāng) - north - 偶然 (ǒurán) - accidental - 谈话 (tánhuà) - conversation 近义词 (Synonyms): - 北园闲谈 (běiyuán xiántán) - leisurely chat in the northern garden - 池畔对话 (chípàn duìhuà) - dialogue by the pondside 反义词 (Antonyms): - 正式会谈 (zhèngshì huìtán) - formal negotiation - 严肃讨论 (yánsù tǎolùn) - serious discussion

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