犹言百区之田。畦,田间分区之田陇。《庄子·天地》:“ 子贡 曰:‘有械於此,一日浸百畦,用力甚寡而见功多,夫子不欲乎?’”
- 百的解释 百 ǎ 数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):百步穿杨。百儿八十。百分比。 喻很多:百草。百货。百姓(人民)。百般。百炼成钢。百无聊赖。百废俱兴(塶 )。 笔画数:; 部首:白; 笔顺编号
- 畦的解释 畦 í 田园中分成的小区:畦田。菜畦。 古代称田五十亩为一畦。 笔画数:; 部首:田; 笔顺编号:
"百畦" is a Chinese term that carries several meanings. It refers to a measurement of land, equal to one hundred "畦" (a traditional unit of area). It can also mean a fertile and well-cultivated field or a vast expanse of land.
The term "百畦" consists of two radicals or "部首" in Chinese characters. The radical "百" represents the number "one hundred," while the radical "畦" represents the concept of a ridge, furrow, or field. "百" is made up of four strokes, while "畦" consists of seven strokes.
The origin of the term "百畦" can be traced back to ancient times when it was used to measure land. In traditional Chinese characters or "繁体," the term is written as "百畝" with the character for "畝" denoting a unit of land area.
In ancient times, "百畦" might have been written differently based on variations in handwriting and regional differences. However, in general, the characters would have followed the same structure and meaning.
Here is an example sentence using the term "百畦":
农民们每年耕种百畦土地,收获丰富。(Farmers cultivate one hundred fields every year and have a bountiful harvest.)
Some related words include "田地" (tiándì - farmland), "农田" (nóngtián - agricultural land), and "耕地" (gēngdì - cultivated land).
An antonym or opposite term for "百畦" could be "荒地" (huāngdì - wasteland) or "荒野" (huāngyě - wilderness).
I hope this information is helpful to you! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
汉语词典 请记住链接:https://hanyu.yuesha.com/oa6mmQ==.html