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1. 周 时地方组织的长官。《周礼·地官·党正》:“党正,各掌其党之政令教治。” 郑玄 注引 郑司农 曰:“五百家为党正,其长也。” 清 恽敬 《三代因革论七》:“《周官》乡大夫之属,比长、閭胥、族师、党正,乡官也。” 清 龚自珍 《对策》:“臣考 周 之三物六行,乡大夫、遂人掌之,而饮射读法,及教民祭祀之礼,及书其过恶,皆州长、党正主之。”

2.言论正直。《荀子·非相》:“文而致实,博而党正,是士君子之辩者也。” 杨倞 注:“党与讜同,谓直言也。”


  • 黨的解释 黨 ǎ 见“党”。 笔画数:; 部首:黑; 笔顺编号:
  • 正的解释 正 è 不偏斜,与“歪”相对:正午。正中(峮 )。正襟危坐。 合于法则的:正当(刵 )。正派。正楷。正规。正大光明。正言厉色。拨乱反正。 合于道理的:正道。正确。正义。正气。 恰好:正好。正中(恘 )


Title: "A Look into the Meaning and Origins of the Word '黨正'"

The word "黨正" is a Chinese term with an interesting history and connotation. Let's delve into its meaning, breakdown of radicals and strokes, origin, traditional form, usage in ancient times, example sentences, related words, synonyms, and antonyms.


The term "黨正" can be translated to mean "party righteousness" or "party integrity." It refers to the moral and ethical principles upheld by a political party or organization.

Breakdown of Radicals and Strokes

"黨正" consists of two radicals: "黑" (hēi) meaning "black" and "正" (zhèng) meaning "upright" or "correct." The radical "黑" indicates matters related to darkness or hidden intentions, while "正" represents righteousness or correctness. "黨正" has a total of 14 strokes.

Origin and Usage

The term "黨正" originated in the Chinese Communist Party during the early 20th century. It was used to emphasize the importance of maintaining political integrity, fighting corruption, and adhering to the party's principles and ideology.

Traditional Form

The traditional form of "黨正" is the same as the simplified form used today, retaining the same radicals and strokes.

Example Sentences

1. 黨正是政治發展的基礎。 (Dǎng zhèng shì zhèngzhì fāzhǎn de jīchǔ.) - Party integrity is the foundation of political development.

2. 個人的黨正是我們共同的價值觀。 (Gèrén de dǎng zhèng shì wǒmen gòngtóng de jiàzhí guān.) - Personal party integrity is our shared values.

Related Words

Related words or terms include: 黨性 (dǎngxìng) - party nature, 黨紀 (dǎngjì) - party discipline, 黨風 (dǎngfēng) - party style, and 黨內民主 (dǎngnèi mínzhǔ) - intraparty democracy.

Synonyms and Antonyms

While there are no direct synonyms for "黨正," related expressions that convey similar meanings include: 政治正直 (zhèngzhì zhèngzhí) - political integrity, and 正直廉洁 (zhèngzhí liánjié) - honesty and integrity. Antonyms for "黨正" could be: 惡意 (èyì) - malice, 不正當 (bù zhèngdàng) - improper, or 不道德 (bù dàodé) - immoral.

In conclusion, "黨正" represents the concept of party integrity, emphasizing the importance of upholding moral and ethical principles within a political organization. Its evolution within the Chinese Communist Party reflects the significance placed on maintaining political righteousness and fighting corruption.

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