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  • 灯的解释 灯 (燈) ē 照明的器具:电灯。路灯。灯火(泛指亮的灯)。灯语(通讯方法之一)。灯标。 其它用途的发光、发热装置:红绿灯。指示灯。酒精灯。 装饰张挂的彩灯:灯节。灯市。河灯。冰灯。 笔画数:; 部
  • 宴的解释 宴 à 以酒饭款待宾客:宴客。宴饮。宴席。 聚会在一起吃酒饭:宴会。宴集。 酒席:设宴。国宴。盛(唍 )宴。 乐(?),安闲:宴娱。宴嬉。宴乐(?)。宴居。 笔画数:; 部首:宀; 笔顺编号:


我很乐意回答您的问题,但是我的回答会用英文,希望您能理解。 The term "灯宴" (dēng yàn) in Chinese means "lantern feast" or "lantern banquet". Now let's break it down: - 部首 (bù shǒu): The radical for 部首 "灯" (dēng) is "火" (huǒ), which means "fire". - 笔画 (bǐ huà): There are six strokes in the character "灯" (dēng) and six strokes in the character "宴" (yàn). The term "灯宴" (dēng yàn) originated from traditional Chinese culture and refers to a feast or banquet held during the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. It is a lively and colorful event where people gather to enjoy various lantern displays, traditional performances, and delicious food. In traditional Chinese writing, the character "灯" (dēng) was written as "燈" in 繁體字 (fán tǐ zì). The character "宴" (yàn) remained the same in both simplified and traditional forms. Here's an example sentence using the term "灯宴" (dēng yàn): 每年在春节期间,我们都会去参加灯宴,观赏美丽的灯笼和品尝传统美食。 - 组词 (zǔ cí): 灯会 (dēng huì) - lantern festival; 灯笼 (dēng lóng) - lantern - 近义词 (jìn yì cí): 灯节 (dēng jié) - lantern festival - 反义词 (fǎn yì cí): 黑暗 (hēi àn) - darkness 希望这些回答对您有所帮助!如有其他问题,请随时提问。

汉语词典 请记住链接:https://hanyu.yuesha.com/oquulqM=.html
