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见“ 东家西舍 ”。


  • 东邻的解释 .东边的邻居。《易·既济》:“东邻杀牛,不如西邻之禴祭,实受其福。”《后汉书·刘赵淳于江传序》:“言以义养,则 仲由 之菽,甘于东邻之牲。” 唐 元结 《漫问相里黄州》诗:“东邻有渔父,西邻有山僧。
  • 西舍的解释 .西下;西止。 汉 刘向 《九叹·远游》:“日暾暾其西舍兮,阳焱焱而復顾。” 唐 薛能 《彭门偶题》诗:“ 淮王 西舍固非夫, 柳惲 偏州未是都。”.西邻。 唐 崔颢 《邯郸宫人怨》诗:“父母愍


东邻西舍 is a Chinese term that refers to the neighboring houses on the eastern and western sides. Let me break down the term for you. - Meaning: The term 东邻西舍 literally translates to "neighbors to the east and west." It is used to describe the houses or residences that are located on both sides of a particular location or reference point. - Character Breakdown: 东 (dōng) means "east," 邻 (lín) means "neighbor," 西 (xī) means "west," and 舍 (shè) means "residence" or "house." - Origin: The term originated from ancient Chinese culture, where the cardinal directions held symbolic importance. It denotes the houses or neighbors situated on the eastern and western sides of a particular place. - Traditional Chinese: In Traditional Chinese, the term 東鄰西舍 (dōng lín xī shè) is written with different character forms, but the pronunciation remains the same. - Example Sentence: 他家的东邻西舍都很友好。(Tā jiā de dōng lín xī shè dōu hěn yǒu hǎo.) - The neighbors to the east and west of his house are very friendly. - Related Words: Some related words include 东边 (dōng biān) for "east side," 西边 (xī biān) for "west side," 邻居 (lín jū) for "neighbor," and 住宅 (zhù zhái) for "residence." I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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