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  • 毯的解释 毯 ǎ 厚实有毛绒的成片织品:毯子。毛毯。床毯。地毯。挂毯。壁毯。 笔画数:; 部首:毛; 笔顺编号:
  • 布的解释 布 ù 棉、麻及棉型化学短纤维经纺纱后的织成物:布匹。布帛。布衣。 古代的一种钱币。 宣告,对众陈述:宣布。发布。布告。开诚布公(推诚相见,坦白无私)。 分散到各处:散布。遍布。星罗棋布。 流传,散播



The word "毯布" (tǎn bù) is a Chinese term, which refers to "blanket" in English.

Component Analysis

"毯布" is comprised of two parts: "毛" and "布". The first component "毛" represents "fur" or "hair," while the second component "布" means "cloth" or "fabric".


This term has its roots in the ancient Chinese language. "毛" represents the concept of "fur," which can be traced back to the oracle bone script, an ancient form of Chinese writing. "布" refers to "cloth" or "fabric" and has its origins in the early seal script, another ancient form of Chinese writing.

Traditional Chinese Characters

In traditional Chinese characters, "毯布" is written as "氈布". The character "氈" replaces the simplified character "毯" but carries the same meaning of "blanket".

Example Sentences

1. 我用毯布盖住了身体,保暖又舒适。 (Wǒ yòng tǎn bù gài zhù le shēntǐ, bǎo nuǎn yòu shū shì.) Translation: I covered my body with a blanket for warmth and comfort.

2. 把这块毯布放在沙发上,可以避免沾上灰尘。 (Bǎ zhè kuài tǎn bù fàng zài shā fā shàng, kě yǐ bì miǎn zhān shàng huī chén.) Translation: Placing this blanket on the sofa can prevent it from getting dusty.

Word Formation

组词 (zǔ cí) - to form words: 组 (to form) + 词 (word)

近义词 (jìn yì cí) - synonyms: 近义 (synonym) + 词 (word)

反义词 (fǎn yì cí) - antonyms: 反义 (antonym) + 词 (word)

For these terms, the components "组" and "近" represent "to form" and "near," respectively, while "反" represents "opposite" or "reverse." "词" means "word" in all three cases.

汉语词典 请记住链接:https://hanyu.yuesha.com/n66tmKeb.html
