永别。死的婉辞。 宋 王安石 《祭苏虞部文》:“聊陈薄奠,以告长违。”
- 长的解释 长(長)á两端的距离:长度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:长短。长空。长短句(词的别名)。长夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。长风破浪(喻志趣远大)。长歌代哭(以歌代哭
- 违的解释 违 (違) é 背,反,不遵守:违背。违反。违犯。违法。违抗。违章。事与愿违。 不见面,离别:久违。 * ,过失。 背从奉 笔画数:; 部首:辶; 笔顺编号:
Long Wei (长违) is a Chinese word that means "long time no see" or "long overdue." Let's break down the components of this word.
The word "长" (zhǎng) consists of two parts. The top part is "⺍" (dāo), which represents a knife. The bottom part is "长" (zhǎng), which means long. Therefore, "长" represents the meaning of long or length.
The word "违" (wéi) is formed by combining two elements. The left side is "辶" (chuò), which represents walking or movement. The right side is "韦" (wéi), which is a surname and also represents tanning or leather. Together, "违" means to violate or go against.
The term "长违" comes from the combination of "长" (long) and "违" (violate). It implies that a long time has passed without meeting or encountering someone or something, which may have been expected or overdue.
In traditional Chinese characters, "长" is written as "長" and "违" is written as "違."
Here are a few examples of how the word "长违" can be used in sentences:
1. 长违的朋友终于回来了。 (Cháng wéi de péngyǒu zhōngyú huí láile.)
Long-lost friends have finally returned.
2. 我们期待着与长违已久的亲人团聚。 (Wǒmen qídài zhe yǔ cháng wéi yǐjiǔ de qīnrén tuánjù.)
We are looking forward to reuniting with our long-lost relatives.
Some compound words that include "长违" are:
1. 长违的怀念 (cháng wéi de huáiniàn) - long-missed memories
2. 长违的思念 (cháng wéi de sīniàn) - long-overdue missing or longing for someone
3. 长违的重逢 (cháng wéi de chóngféng) - a long-awaited reunion
There aren't specific synonyms for "长违" as it is a fixed term, but you can express a similar meaning using phrases like "久别重逢" (jiǔ bié chóngféng) or "累年未见" (lěi nián wèi jiàn), which mean "long separation and reunion" or "not seen for many years."
The antonym of "长违" would be "短暂相见" (duǎn zàn xiāngjiàn), meaning a brief encounter or short meeting.
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