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在他对面这个人是个黄白净子,有二十几根儿胡子,穿绸裹缎,敞胸露怀,歪戴帽子,斜瞪眼睛,后边跟着一帮打手,一个个拧眉瞪眼,咋咋唬唬的。 ★单田芳《童林传》第二二三回


  • 敞的解释 敞 ǎ (房屋、庭院等)没有遮蔽:敞亮。宽敞。 张开,打开:敞着大门。敞篷马车。敞开供应。 古同“畅”,畅快。 笔画数:; 部首:攵; 笔顺编号:
  • 怀的解释 怀 (懷) á 思念,想念:怀念。怀旧。怀乡。怀古。缅怀。 包藏:怀胎。心怀鬼胎。胸怀壮志。怀瑾握瑜。怀才不遇。 胸前:怀抱。抱在怀里。 心中意:心怀。胸怀。正中(恘 )下怀。耿耿于怀。 安抚:怀柔。


About the Term "敞胸露怀"

敞胸露怀 (chǎng xiōng lù huái) is a Chinese idiom that signifies being open-hearted and frank. It is used to describe someone who is honest, sincere, and unreserved in expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Breakdown of Radicals and Strokes

The term "敞胸露怀" can be broken down into the following radicals and strokes:

敞 (chuǎng): Radical - 攴, Strokes - 11

胸 (xiōng): Radical - 肉, Strokes - 9

露 (lù): Radical - 雨, Strokes - 17

怀 (huái): Radical - 忄, Strokes - 9

Origin and Traditional Version

The term "敞胸露怀" originates from classical Chinese literature. Its earliest known appearance is in the book "Han Fei Zi" written by Han Fei, an influential Chinese philosopher from the Warring States period. In the book, he used the phrase to describe a person's attitude towards their own thoughts and emotions, advocating for honesty and openness.

As for the traditional version of the idiom, it is written as "敞胸露懷" in traditional Chinese characters.

Example Sentences

1. 他在朋友面前敞胸露怀,毫不保留地表达自己的看法。

Translation: He openly and sincerely expresses his opinions without reservation in front of his friends.

2. 在这个交流会上,我们被鼓励敞胸露怀,与大家分享自己的经验和感受。

Translation: In this seminar, we are encouraged to open our hearts and share our experiences and feelings with everyone.

Related Words

组词 (zǔcí): Compound Words - 敞篷 (chǎng péng) - open-top (car), 表露 (biǎo lù) - to reveal, 积极敞开心扉 (jījí chǎng kāi xīn fēi) - actively open one's heart

Synonyms and Antonyms

近义词 (jìnyìcí): Synonyms - 坦诚 (tǎnchéng) - candid, 真诚 (zhēnchéng) - sincere, 豁达 (huòdá) - magnanimous

反义词 (fǎnyìcí): Antonyms - 闷骚 (mēn sāo) - introverted, 内敛 (nèiliǎn) - reserved, 不坦率 (bù tǎnshuài) - not frank

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