调制丹药。《南史·隐逸传下·邓郁》:“ 梁武帝 敬信殊篤,﹝ 邓郁 ﹞为帝合丹。” 唐 张说 《端午三殿侍宴应制探得鱼字》诗:“合丹同蝘蜓,灰骨共蟾蜍。”
- 合的解释 合 é 闭,对拢:合眼。合抱。珠连璧合。貌合神离。 聚集:合力。合办。合股。合资。 不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:合格。合法。情投意合。 应该:合该。合当。“文章合为时而著,诗歌合为时而作”。
- 丹的解释 丹 ā 红色:丹砂(朱砂)。丹桂(观赏植物,花为橘红色)。丹心碧血(赤诚的忠心,珍贵的热血)。丹青。 依成方制成的颗粒状或粉末状的中药:丸散膏丹。 姓。 笔画数:; 部首:丿; 笔顺编号:
About the word "合丹"
The word "合丹" (hé dān) consists of two characters: "合" (hé) and "丹" (dān).
"合" (hé) is a compound character, formed from two radicals - "口" (kǒu) and "八" (bā). It has a cumulated meaning of "combination" or "unification".
"丹" (dān) is a character made up of two parts - "一" (yī) and "亻" (rén). It refers to a red-colored pigment or medicine and also symbolizes "cinnabar".
The word "合丹" is a combination of these two characters and it has several meanings. It can represent the act of combining cinnabar or red-colored substances, as well as the process of refining or alchemy.
In terms of the traditional script, "合" has a slightly different form in the seal script (篆书) and the clerical script (隶书). The seal script form of "合" looks like "共", which means "together" or "mutual". In the clerical script, "合" develops into a shape similar to the current simplified form. "丹" remains relatively consistent in all scripts.
Here are some example sentences of using "合丹":
1. 他用不同的丹药合丹后,创造了一种独特的药物。(After combining different medicinal herbs, he created a unique medicine.)
2. 炼金术士正在合丹的过程中,希望能够得到长生不老的药物。(The alchemist is in the process of refining, hoping to obtain the elixir of immortality.)
Some related words and phrases include:
- 组词 (zǔ cí): to form words
- 近义词 (jìn yì cí): synonyms
- 反义词 (fǎn yì cí): antonyms
It is worth mentioning that "合丹" can also refer to a novel by renowned Chinese author Mao Dun, telling the story of a retired official in ancient China.