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  • 匹的解释 匹 ǐ 量词(a.指整卷的绸或布;b.指马、骡等)。 单独:匹夫(a.一个人,泛指平常人,如“国家兴亡,匹匹有责”;b.指无学识、无智谋的人,如“匹匹之勇”)。 相当,相敌,比得上:匹敌。匹配。 笔
  • 答的解释 答 á 回话,回复:回答。对答。答辩。答复。答案。对答如流。 受了别人的好处,还(俷 )报别人:报答。答报。 问 答 ā 义同(一),用于“答应”“答理”等词。 问 笔画数:; 部首:竹; 笔顺编


About the Word "匹丢扑答"

"匹丢扑答" (pī diū pū dā) is a term commonly used in Chinese to describe a chaotic and noisy scene. This phrase is often used to refer to a loud and disorderly situation where many people are talking loudly or making noise simultaneously. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a place or scenario that is extremely loud, bustling, and lively.

Analysis of the Word

The word "匹丢扑答" is made up of four characters: 匹 (pī), 丢 (diū), 扑 (pū), and 答 (dā).

- 匹 (pī) is a radical that signifies a horse. It has two strokes. - 丢 (diū) is a radical meaning "to lose" and has three strokes. - 扑 (pū) is a radical that represents "to pounce" or "to rush forward". It consists of six strokes. - 答 (dā) represents bamboo slip and writing. It contains 12 strokes.

Origin and Traditional Writing

The origins of the term "匹丢扑答" are not very clear, but it is believed to have originated from the vivid sounds that horses make when they are rushing forward or galloping. These sounds may resemble the chaotic and noisy scene that the phrase describes.

In traditional Chinese writing, the characters in "匹丢扑答" may be written slightly differently. For example, 丢 was previously written as 丟, and the character 匹 could be written slightly differently as well. However, the pronunciation and meaning remain the same.

Example Sentences

- 在那个人山人海的市场中,人们匹丢扑答地交谈着。
- 这家餐厅的气氛非常热闹,人们匹丢扑答地用餐。

Related Words and Phrases

- 组词 (zǔ cí): compound word
- 近义词 (jìn yì cí): synonyms
- 反义词 (fǎn yì cí): antonyms

It's important to note that "匹丢扑答" is a unique phrase, and there may not be direct synonyms or antonyms for it. However, you can use similar terms and expressions to convey the same meaning, such as "嘈杂" (cáozá) meaning noisy, "喧闹" (xuānnào) meaning bustling, or "安静" (ānjìng) meaning quiet.

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