高张的琴弦。《文选·陆机<前缓声歌>》:“ 太容 挥高絃, 洪崖 发清歌。” 吕向 注:“高絃,谓高张琴瑟絃也。”
- 高的解释 高 ā 由下到上距离大的,与“低”相对:高峰。高空。高踞。高原。高耸。高山流水(喻知己、知音或乐曲高妙)。高屋建瓴(形容居高临下的形势)。高瞻远瞩。 高度:他身高一米八。 等级在上的:高级。高考。 在
- 弦的解释 弦 á 系在弓背两端的、能发箭的绳状物:弓弦。弦韦(“弦”指弓弦,“韦”是兽皮,弦紧皮软,喻性子急缓不同。古人佩弦来警戒自己的性缓,佩韦以警戒自己的性急;后遂用“弦韦”喻朋友的规劝)。弦月(农历每月初
The word "高弦" (gāo xián) is a Chinese term that can be divided into two parts: "高" (gāo) and "弦" (xián).
1. Meaning: "高" means "high" or "tall," while "弦" refers to "string." Therefore, the term "高弦" can be translated as "high string."
2. Components: The radical (or "bushou") for "高" is "高" itself, and it consists of three strokes. The radical for "弦" is "弓" (gōng), which means "bow," and it consists of five strokes.
3. Origin: The term "高弦" originates from traditional Chinese musical instruments, specifically those with strings that are pitched high or produce high-pitched sounds.
4. Traditional form: In traditional Chinese characters, the word "高弦" is written as "高弦" in simplified form.
5. Ancient writing: In ancient times, the characters for "高弦" could have been written differently, as the Chinese writing system has evolved over time.
6. Example sentence: "我听到高弦的音乐,感受到浓厚的艺术氛围。" (Wǒ tīng dào gāo xián de yīnyuè, gǎnshòu dào nóng hòu de yìshù fēnwéi.) - "I heard the music of the high strings and felt a strong artistic atmosphere."
7. Word formation: "高弦" can be used in word formation to create other related terms, such as "高弦乐器" (gāo xián yuèqì) meaning "high-stringed instrument."
8. Synonyms: While there might be words with similar meanings, there are no direct synonyms for "高弦" that spring to mind.
9. Antonyms: Similarly, there are no direct antonyms for "高弦" that I can provide.
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