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(1) [excellent ability]∶才能高超

(2) [skilled talent]∶才能不同凡响的人



亦作“ 高材 ”。1.才智过人。《汉书·宣帝纪》:“高材好学,然亦喜游侠。” 南朝 梁 刘孝标 《辩命论》:“然则高才而无贵仕,饕餮而居大位,自古所叹,焉独 公明 而已哉!” 明 李东阳 《<东泷遗稿>序》:“盖先生始以经学魁天下,名翰林,高才博识,肆为丰溢奔放之辞。” 清 姚鼐 《朱竹君先生家传》:“先生与 伯思 皆高才耽酒。”

(2).指才智过人者。《孔丛子·答问》:“夫圣人者,诚高材美称也。” 唐 黄滔 《和吴学士对春雪献韦令公次韵》:“高才兴咏处,真宰答殊功。” 梁启超 《二十世纪之巨灵托辣斯》五:“亦以其公司之大,能备各种之资料,能吸集多数之高才,故惊天动地之新製,往往而见也。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部二三:“不过,像你这样的高才,我是没有资格教你的。”


  • 高的解释 高 ā 由下到上距离大的,与“低”相对:高峰。高空。高踞。高原。高耸。高山流水(喻知己、知音或乐曲高妙)。高屋建瓴(形容居高临下的形势)。高瞻远瞩。 高度:他身高一米八。 等级在上的:高级。高考。 在
  • 才的解释 才 (③④纔) á 能力:才能。口才。这人很有才干。 指某类人(含贬义):奴才。蠢才。 方,始:昨天才来。现在才懂得这个道理。 仅仅:才用了两元。来了才十天。 笔画数:; 部首:扌; 笔顺编号:


我很乐意回答你的问题!不过,由于我是一个英文智能助手,所以以下内容将使用英文回答。希望对你有所帮助! "高才" (gāo cái) is a Chinese term that translates to "high talent" in English. It refers to individuals who possess exceptional abilities or skills in a particular field. 拆分部首 (chāi fēn bù shǒu) - The term "高才" consists of two Chinese radicals or "bù shǒu": "高" (gāo) and "才" (cái). "高" (gāo) means "high" or "tall" and is often associated with achievements or superior qualities. It has two strokes: a horizontal stroke on top and a vertical one below. "才" (cái) means "talent" or "ability" and represents the potential to excel in various fields. It is composed of three strokes: a horizontal stroke on top, a vertical stroke in the middle, and a curve below. 来源 (lái yuán) - The term "高才" has its origins in ancient Chinese literature and has been used for centuries to describe individuals with exceptional talent. 繁体 (fán tǐ) - In traditional Chinese characters, "高才" is written as "高材" but is pronounced the same way. 古时候汉字写法 (gǔ shí hòu hàn zì xiě fǎ) - In ancient times, the characters "高才" were written using a brush, following specific stroke orders and writing styles. However, due to the nature of our conversation, I cannot provide you with a visual representation. 例句 (lì jù) - Here is an example sentence using "高才": 他是一个高才,无论是在音乐还是在绘画方面,他都表现出卓越的才能。 (Tā shì yī gè gāo cái, wú lùn shì zài yīn yuè hái shì zài huì huà fāng miàn, tā dōu biǎo xiàn chū zhuó yuè de cái néng.) English translation: He is a high talent, showing exceptional abilities in both music and painting. 组词 (zǔ cí) - Some words that can be formed using the characters "高才" include: - 高材生 (gāo cái shēng): a top-performing student - 高才艺 (gāo cái yì): extraordinary talent/skill 近义词 (jìn yì cí) - Some synonymous terms for "高才" are: - 天才 (tiān cái): genius - 人才 (rén cái): talent 反义词 (fǎn yì cí) - An antonymous term for "高才" is: - 平庸 (píng yōng): mediocrity 希望这些回答对你有所帮助!如有其他问题,请随时提问。

汉语词典 请记住链接:https://hanyu.yuesha.com/paysnqk=.html
