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(1) [offensive]∶进攻的态势


(2) [push]∶组织好的强大军事行动



向敌方进攻的行动或形势。 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十章一:“自八月以后,敌人的攻势节节进展。” 沉从文 《从文自传·辰州》:“这一边军队既不向下取攻势,那一边也不向上取攻势,各人就只保持原有地盘。”


  • 攻的解释 攻 ō 打击,与“守”相对:攻击。攻占。攻取。攻心。攻关。攻陷。 指责,驳斥:攻难(刵 )。群起而攻之。 治病:以毒攻毒。 致力学习或研究:攻读。攻书。专攻医学。 守防 笔画数:; 部首:攵; 笔顺
  • 势的解释 势 (勢) ì 权力,威力:势力。权势。势利。势均力敌。 表现出来的情况,样子:姿势。气势。山势。局势。虚张声势。守势。势必。势能。势不可挡。因势利导。 笔画数:; 部首:力; 笔顺编号:

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Saying the Word "攻势" - Its Meaning, Components, Origin, Traditional Form & Ancient Writing, Example Sentences, Derivative Words, Synonyms, and Antonyms

攻势 (gōng shì) is a Chinese word that is composed of two characters: 攻 (gōng) and 势 (shì).

The first character, 攻 (gōng), consists of two parts: 攵 (攴) and 力. 攵 (攴) is the left component representing "strike" or "attack," while 力 is the right component meaning "strength" or "power." Together, 攻 conveys the idea of "launching an aggressive action" or "mounting an offensive."

The second character, 势 (shì), has three components: 勹, 乂, and 力. 勹 is the left part indicating "wrapper" or "enclosure," while 乂 means "to control" or "to obey." The right component, 力, as mentioned earlier, represents "strength" or "power." As a whole, 势 signifies "the overall dynamics" or "the trend of a situation."

The word "攻势" originated from military terms related to warfare tactics. It refers to the strategic approach of launching an aggressive action or offensive in order to gain an advantage in a competitive situation.

In traditional Chinese script, 攻 is written as "攻," maintaining its original form throughout history. However, 势 used to have a slightly different appearance in ancient times. It was written as 勢, with two dots on the top right side of the character's upper horizontal stroke.

Below are a few example sentences showcasing the usage of 攻势:

  • 在足球比赛中,这支队伍采取攻势,一直向对方球门发起进攻。
  • 为了保护国家安全,我们必须采取主动攻势来反击敌对势力。

Here are some derivative words related to 攻势:

  • 攻击 (gōng jī) - attack
  • 防守 (fáng shǒu) - defense
  • 策略 (cè lüè) - strategy

Some synonyms of 攻势 are 进攻 (jìn gōng), 进攻性 (jìn gōng xìng), and 进攻态势 (jìn gōng tài shì).

On the other hand, 反击 (fǎn jī) meaning "counterattack" or "strike back" can be considered an antonym of 攻势.

Overall, 攻势 refers to a proactive and forceful approach of launching an offensive, often used in military, sports, or strategic contexts.

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