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嫦娥 与 婺女 的并称。


  • 娥的解释 娥 é 女子姿容美好:娥眉。娥娥(美好的样子)。 美女:娇娥。宫娥。 笔画数:; 部首:女; 笔顺编号:
  • 婺的解释 婺 ù 〔婺水〕水名,在中国江西省。 〔婺绿〕产于中国江西省婺源县的茶叶,是绿茶中的珍品。 〔婺女〕古星宿名,即“女宿”。 〔婺剧〕中国浙江省地方戏曲剧种之一。 笔画数:; 部首:女; 笔顺编号:


Title: The meaning, components, and origins of the word "娥婺"

Meaning of "娥婺":

"娥婺" is a term in Chinese that refers to beautiful and elegant women.

Components and Stroke Order:

The character "娥" consists of the radicals "女" (nǚ) meaning "woman" and "我" (wǒ) meaning "I". It has 10 strokes in total. The character "婺" consists of the radicals "女" (nǚ) and "午" (wǔ) meaning "noon". It has 11 strokes in total.


The term "娥婺" has its origins in ancient Chinese literature. "娥" originally refers to a mythical figure named 嫦娥 (Cháng'é), who is known for her beauty. "婺" refers to 婺女 (wùnǚ), a poetic expression for elegant and virtuous women from the ancient state of Wuyue in China.

Traditional Chinese Characters:

In traditional Chinese characters, "娥" and "婺" are written as "娥" and "婺" respectively.

Ancient Script:

The ancient script of "娥婺" varies over the different dynasties in Chinese history. The seal script and oracle bone script versions of the characters are different.

Example Sentences:

1. 她是一个娥婺一样的女子。 (Tā shì yīgè éwù yíyàng de nǚzǐ.)= She is a woman as elegant and beautiful as "娥婺".

2. 娥婺丽影,沉鱼落雁。 (Éwù lì yǐng, chényúluòyàn.) = Elegant and beautiful like shadows of "娥婺", enchanting all.

Word Combinations:

娥婺女子 (éwù nǚzǐ) = elegant and beautiful woman


美丽 (měilì) = beautiful

优雅 (yōuyǎ) = elegant


丑陋 (chǒulòu) = ugly

粗鲁 (cūlǔ) = rude

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