有盖子而无把手的茶杯,下多有杯托。《红楼梦》第四十回:“ 黛玉 亲自用小茶盘儿捧了一盖碗茶来,奉与 贾母 。”《儿女英雄传》第十五回:“有前日那个 九江 客人给我的那御製诗盖碗儿,説那上头是当今佛爷作的诗。” 鲁迅 《准风月谈·喝茶》:“我知道这是自己错误了,喝好茶,是要用盖碗的。”
- 盖的解释 盖 (蓋) à 有遮蔽作用的东西:盖子。锅盖。瓶盖。膝盖。天灵盖。 伞:雨盖。 由上往下覆,遮掩:覆盖。遮盖。掩盖。盖浇饭。 压倒,超过:盖世无双。 方言,超出一般地好:这本书真叫盖! 用印,打上:盖
- 碗的解释 晚 ǎ 太阳落了的时候:晚景。晚霞。晚会。晚报。 一个时期的后段,在一定时间以后:来晚了。晚年。晚期。晚节。晚婚。 后来的:晚生(旧时文人对前辈的自谦)。晚辈。 姓。 早 笔画数:; 部首:日; 笔
The word "盖碗" (gài wǎn) in Chinese refers to a lidded bowl. It is composed of two parts: the radical "皿" (mǐn), meaning "dish," and the phonetic component "鬲" (gé). "皿" consists of three strokes, while "鬲" has fifteen strokes.
The word "盖碗" has its origin in ancient times. The concept of the lidded bowl can be traced back to the Warring States period (475–221 BC), when people used it as a container for food. The character's form has evolved over time, and in traditional Chinese characters, the shape of "鬲" is slightly different from its simplified counterpart used in modern Chinese.
In ancient times, the character "盖碗" was written differently. The character "鬲" had the shape of a tripod cauldron, and "皿" appeared as a shallow dish. These variations in the character's appearance highlight the evolution of Chinese writing.
Below are some example sentences using the word "盖碗":
1. 我今天用了新买的盖碗吃饭。(Wǒ jīntiān yòng le xīn mǎi de gài wǎn chī fàn.)
Today, I used the newly purchased lidded bowl for my meal.
2. 奶奶常用盖碗盖住残羹剩饭。(Nǎi nǎi cháng yòng gài wǎn gài zhù cán gēng shèng fàn.)
Grandma often uses a lidded bowl to cover leftover soup and rice.
Here are some related words:
1. 盖子 (gài zi) - lid
2. 碗筷 (wǎn kuài) - bowl and chopsticks
3. 饭碗 (fàn wǎn) - rice bowl
As for synonyms and antonyms, it is important to note that "盖碗" is a specific term for a lidded bowl, so there are no direct synonyms or antonyms. However, in a broader sense, a synonym for "碗" (wǎn) could be "钵" (bō), which also means "bowl." An antonym for "盖碗" would simply be "碗" (wǎn) without the lid.
I hope this provides the information you were looking for!
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